Thursday 3 September 2020

What A Difference a Year Makes

About a year ago, I blogged with pride about not being a cottage person - how could we even think about leaving the city with so much going on here in the summer - from jazz festivals, to fringe theatre, to dusk dances, to Shakespeare in High Park? Enter COVID, stage right, and nearly all the activities that make summer weekends in Toronto so special have been cancelled. Suddently, the idea of getting in the car and exploring the many parks, lakes, vineyards and farms around Ontario was a compelling one. We've gone on four pandemic road trips so far this summer: to Niagara-on-the-Lake, Mulmur, Crystal Lake in the Kawarthas and Kingsford Lake in Frontenac Provincial Park. Each destination offered different experiences - wine tasting and garden grazing, storytelling and toasting by a pond, swimming and hiking, postcard writing and stargazing. Now I can't imagine summer without a road trip or two. Looks like it's time to retire the #notacottageperson hashtag...

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